Gentle On My Mind คอร์ด - Glen Campbell

It's knowing that your door is always open And your path is free to walk That makes metend to leave my sleeping bag Rolled up and stashed behind your co...

คอร์ดเพลง Gentle On My Mind ของ Glen Campbell, เนื้อเพลง Gentle On My Mind ที่มีคอร์ดกีต้าร์, Lyrics with chords guitar

เนื้อเพลง Gentle On My Mind ของ Glen Campbell

ขอบคุณ ผู้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน
It's knowing that your door is always open And your path is free to walk That makes me 
tend to leave my sleeping bag Rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowing I'm not shackled By forgotten words and bonds And the ink stains that 
have dried upon some line That keeps you in the backroads By the rivers of my mem'ry
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind
It's not clinging to the rocks and ivy Planted on their columns now that binds me 
Or something that somebody said Because they thought we fit together walking
It's just knowing that the world will not be cursing Or forgiving when I walk along some 
railroad track and find That you are moving on the backroads By the rivers of my mem'ry
And for hours you're just gentle on my mind
Though the wheat fields and the clothes lines And the junkyards and the highways come 
between us And some other woman crying to her mother 'Cause she turned and I was gone
I still might run in silence tears of joy might stain my face And the summer sun might burn 
me 'til I'm blind But not to where I cannot see you walkin' on the backroads By the rivers 
flowing gentle on my mind
I dip my cup of soup back from the gurglin' Cracklin' caldron in some train yard 
My beard a roughning coal pile and A dirty hat pulled low across my face Through cupped 
hands 'round a tin can I pretend I hold you to my breast and find
That you're waving from the backroads By the rivers of my mem'ry Ever smilin' ever gentle 
on my mind
§Gentle On My Mind เนื้อเพลง

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, คอร์ดกีต้าร์ แบบง่ายๆ, คอร์ดเพลง, , ฝึก จับคอร์ดกีต้าร์, เนื้อเพลง Gentle On My Mind คอร์ดกีต้าร์