A Line In The Sand คอร์ด - Linkin Park

Today, we stood on the wall,We laughed at the sun, we laughed at the guns,We laughed at it allAnd when they, they told us to go,We paid them no mind, li...

คอร์ดเพลง A Line In The Sand ของ Linkin Park, เนื้อเพลง A Line In The Sand ที่มีคอร์ดกีต้าร์, Lyrics with chords guitar

เนื้อเพลง A Line In The Sand ของ Linkin Park

อัลบั้ม : The Hunting Party
Today, we stood on the wall,
We laughed at the sun, we laughed at the guns,
We laughed at it all
And when they, they told us to go,
We paid them no mind, like every other time,
But little did we know...
Today, I look for a sign,
With flames in my hands,
A line in the sand,
Between yours and mine,
And it came, like fire from below,
Your greed led the call,
My flag had to fall,
But little did you know
Another day, your truth will come,
You're gonna pay for what you,
Pay for what you've done,
You'll get what's yours,
And face your fraud,
You're gonna give me back what's mine
Give me back what's mine!
I ain't never been a coward,
I ain't never seen blood,
You had sold me an ocean,
And I was lost in the flood,
We were counting on a leader,
We were driven by need,
Couldn't take temptation,
And we were blinded by greed,
You were steady as a sniper,
We were waiting on a wire,
So we never saw it coming,
When you ran from the fire,
You can try intimidation,
Or you can try to ignore,
But when the time comes calling,
Yeah! You are gonna get yours!
Another day, your truth will come,
You're gonna pay for what you,
Pay for what you've done,
You'll get what's yours,
And face your fraud,
You're gonna give me back what's mine
Give me back what's mine!
And so today, your truth has come,
You're gonna pay for what you,
Pay for what you've done,
You'll get what's yours,
You're out of time,
And you will give me back what's mine
Give me, give me back what's mine!
Give me, give me back what's mine!
What's mine, give me, give me back what's mine!
What's mine!
What's mine!
Give me back what's mine!
Today, we stood on the wall,
We laughed at the sun, we laughed at the guns,
We laughed at it all
And when they, they told us to go,
We paid them no mind, like every other time,
But little did we know...
§A Line In The Sand เนื้อเพลง

คอร์ดเพลงอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม

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กะอยากฮื้อลองบ่าวเหนือ ดูซักกำ จะลำ บ่ลำ ถ้าบ่ลองก็บ่ฮู้ จะไปฟังคำคนอื่น ว่าจะอั้น จะอี้ ถ้าอยากฮื้อดี ตัวน้องนี้ ต้องลองดู บ่ว่าจะเป็น นิมมาน แสงสว่าง กลางเวียงพิงค์เล่นคอร์ดเพลงนี้
, คอร์ดเพลง, คอร์ดเพลง A Line In The Sand, , ฝึกกีต้าร์ ด้วยตัวเอง, เว็บคอร์ดเพลง A Line In The Sand กีต้าร์