Ditmas คอร์ด - Mumford & Sons

คอร์ดเพลง Ditmas กลุ่มคอร์ด Am, F, C, G/B, G,.. และคีย์อื่น ๆ But this is all I ever was And this is all you came across those years ago Now you go too far Don't tell me that I've changed

Standard tuning Eเนื้อเพลง Ditmas ของ Mumford & Sons ที่มีคอร์ดกีต้าร์ Am,F,C,G/B,G

เนื้อเพลง Ditmas ของ Mumford & Sons

คำร้อง/ทำนอง/เรียบเรียง : ขอบคุณผู้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน
And in time As one reminds the other of the past
A life lived much too fast to hold onto
How am I losing you?
A broken house Another dry month
waiting for the rain
And I had been resisting this decay
I thought you'd do the same
* But this is all I ever was And this is all you
came across those years ago
Now you go too far Don't tell me that
I've changed because that's not the truth
And now I'm losing you
Fragile sound The world outside
just watches as we crawl
Crawl towards a life of fragile
lines And wasted time
And so I cry As I hold you
for the last time in this life
This life I tried so hard to give to you
What would you have me do?
Where I used to end was where you start
You were the only one
And now I see your eyes move too fast
You were the only one
Careful hands And wandering without
that much to say Your words are empty
as the bed we made Is there another way?
Oh love, is there another way?
And now I'm losing you
§Ditmas Lyrics

คอร์ดเพลงอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม

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