คอร์ดเพลง I Believe in You - Michael Buble

เนื้อร้อง: Time goes by, and I've been putting everything inside But now I've got nothing left tohide When I'm with you, oh, you But I can't see a ...

คอร์ดเพลง I Believe in You ของ Michael Buble, เนื้อเพลง I Believe in You ที่มีคอร์ดกีต้าร์, Lyrics with chords guitar

เนื้อเพลง I Believe in You ของ Michael Buble

ขอบคุณ ผู้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน

Time goes by, and I've been putting everything inside But now I've got nothing left to
hide When I'm with you, oh, you But I can't see a strong man I'm gonna have to be
To do for you all so naturally And all I want is a chance to clear So all I can do

* I believe in starting over I can see that your heart is true I believe in good things
coming back to you Oh oh oh You're the light that leads me higher So bright to guide
me through I believe in you

And I don't mind if you want to hold on to me tight You don't have to sleep alone tonight
If you don't want to And all I want is to know your name You're all I need here


I know that there are times when you feel worthless Like all the love you get you don't
deserve it Sometimes I feel that my faith is just a burden for you

I believe in starting over I can see that your heart is true I believe in love, you give me
reason to You're the light that leads me higher So high up in the sky I, I think we're gonna fly

I believe in starting over I can see that your heart is true I believe in love,
you give me reason to Oh oh oh You're the light that leads me higher
So bright to guide me through I believe in you

I believe in you
§I Believe in You เนื้อเพลง

คอร์ดเพลงอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม

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