Life คอร์ด - Elvis presley

Somewhere out in empty space, long before the human race, Something stirred, A vast and timeless source began, Intelligence was born and then, there was...

คอร์ดเพลง Life ของ Elvis presley, เนื้อเพลง Life ที่มีคอร์ดกีต้าร์, Lyrics with chords guitar

เนื้อเพลง Life ของ Elvis presley

ขอบคุณ ผู้สร้างสรรค์ผลงาน
Somewhere out in empty space, long before the human race, Something stirred, A vast and timeless source began, Intelligence was born and then,  there was the world, Powers filled the universe,  matter formed and broke the curse, Of nothingness, Love became an ageless soul, nature reached her highest goal, And breathed the breath of life, Everlasting life
Well creatures come from out of sight, Daylight came from in the night, and all was good, Life became a masterplan, Love produced the perfect man,  that understood,The image of the makers word, worshipped him with all he had,But then one day,From in the depths an evil seed, grew and manufactured greed,That changed the way of life,Everlasting life,
Oh the loving power looked and saw,Inside the heart of man a flaw, began to grow,Well, the fires of hell began to burn, and so he sent his chosen son,To let us know,That love had surely made us all, and hate would surely make us fall,So from the cross,Well he showed the world that dreadful day,That love could be the only way, or all is lost of life,Everlasting life,For life is love,And love is life.
§Life เนื้อเพลง

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in my life เนื้อ, , คอร์ดเพลง, , เพลง live and learn, เพลงlive and learn